We have narrowed down our Presidential Candidates to 2 Democrats and 4 Republicans. However, it's not like we have 6 candidates from the 2 main political parties... We've got fringe candidates who don't represent the middle. They're all essential traditional 3rd party candidates.
The person who is most likely to try to represent the middle is Kasich, but what chance does he have to win? The reality is, any moderate opinions this year are getting hushed. We've seen it before: Pragmatism fails in primaries. Ask Jeb(!) Bush and Martin O'Malley.
One of the great things about our primaries, or 3rd party candidates in general elections, historically is that they help change the conversation and influence the main stream. This year, who is being influenced?
There is no true Moderate to pick up the ideas of Democratic Socialism or Republican Fascism that is being touted in our current political debates.
It is considered a positive experience to have the discourse of different opinion from our leadership.
Some of the language of our potential Presidents is extreme economically, financially, or socially. However, some of it is extreme in stereotype and prejudice.
Build a wall.
Deport millions.
A whole religion is bad.
My friend recently told me that her 1st grader came home from school crying. She asked, "Mom, if this person is elected, will we have to leave our house?"
When our children are scared about who will be elected president, maybe it's time to scale back the rhetoric. We have the freedom of speech. However, we don't have freedom from consequence.
Every 4 years the pundits proclaim that it's the most important election in our history. That is bombastic and hyperbolic. How can we weigh each election more important than another? Universally we can agree that our children are essential to our future. How will 2016 impact our children?
Maybe the general election results will matter and the next President and Congress will make deep reforms. However, regardless of the winner: it's the level of discourse that is unhealthy for our nation. So celebrate Freedom of Speech, but please acknowledge the consequences.
It's possible that in 2017 we will need to take effort to Make America Great Again.